How is the camera lens like the human eye?
Digital SLR Camera Explained
Basics of Exposure
Camera Displays
LCD Panel (Liquid Crystal Display)
Exposure Outcomes
In some more challenging lighting conditions, it is hard to know exactly how to expose your images for the best possible results. What many photographers do in these situations is bracket their shots. Bracketing means shooting three identical photos of the same scene with different levels of exposure from light to dark.
Steps for Bracketing:
Steps for Bracketing:
- Set the camera mode to manual, ISO 400, and compose the scene.
- Determine the recommended exposure using the light meter (this reflects 18% grey for an average value range)
- To bracket, you must change either the aperture or the shutter speed, but not both. Keep one setting consistent. In this example, the aperture remained the same and the shutter speed changed from fast to slow. You can also vary the exposure by adjusting the aperture size from small to large.
- It is just important that you use three settings in a row (whether you are bracketing the shutter speed or bracketing the aperture), while the middle frame remains as the light meter's recommended exposure.
- Open the three images side by side to view the distinct differences in values and determine which once contains the best detail quality and dynamic range