Pinhole Negative and Positive Symmetrical Design Instructions
Scan you best negatives (sharp and properly exposed), then bring them into Photoshop for editing.
Create a new Photoshop file titled "2019 LASTNAME Pinhole" with the following dimensions: 11in x 8.5in (portrait) x 300dpi
Repeat these steps with multiple negatives and choose the strongest one to print for display
- Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation (desaturate the image so that it has true black and white values)
- Image > Adjustments > Levels (adjust the sliders to get a strong white, dark black, and even mid tones without a loss in detail)
- Crop Tool (set the W x H x Resolution to 4.75in x 3.75in x 300dpi) - Use the bounding box to define edges and adjust rotation - Press return to complete crop
- File > Save As > Lastname Pinhole Negative
- Image > Adjustments > Invert
- Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal
- File > Save As > Lastname Pinhole Positive
Create a new Photoshop file titled "2019 LASTNAME Pinhole" with the following dimensions: 11in x 8.5in (portrait) x 300dpi
- File > Place > Negative / File > Place > Positive
- Move positive and negative side by side so they are touching
- View > Rulers
- Drag 2 horizontal lines from the top ruler and drop them at .5in and 8in, set
- Drag 2 vertical lines from the left ruler and drop them at .75in and 10.25
- Select both layers by holding shift to click on the negative and then the positive layer
- Layer> Duplicate Layers
- Move this positive and negative duo to the opposite side
- Select the duo again and go to Edit > Free Transform and rotate them while holding shift to flip upside down
- Try every possible arrangement with both linear and radial symmetry until you achieve the most pleasing design
- Save a photoshop version and a jpg version on your desktop in a new folder called "Pinhole" inside you name folder then
- Drag this folder to your Google Drive Photography folder
Repeat these steps with multiple negatives and choose the strongest one to print for display