Graphic Design and Yearbook I Fall Semester, 1/2 Credit This course provides an introduction to graphic design through the production of the Tally-ho! yearbook. Students develop effective technological, artistic, and journalistic skills. The computer is used as a tool for the creative expression of visual ideas and themes. Students gain hands-on experience with digital cameras and Adobe Photoshop, as well as online design software for creating aesthetically pleasing layouts. Both verbal and written communication skills are enforced through peer interviews and copy writing. (This course requires two concurrent semesters.)
Graphic Design and Yearbook II Spring Semester, 1/2 Credit Prerequisite: Graphic Design and Yearbook 1 Building on the foundation of Graphic Design and Yearbook I, this course continues to support the students' development of effective technological, artistic, and journalistic skills. The computer is used as a tool for the creative expression of visual ideas and themes. Students gain hands-on experience with digital cameras and Adobe Photoshop, as well as online design software for creating aesthetically pleasing layouts. Both verbal and written communication skills are enforced through peer interviews and copy writing. The culmination of this semester is the production and distribution of the Tally-ho! Yearbook.
Advanced Graphic Design and Yearbook Fall/Spring Semester, 1/2 credit After completing levels I and II of Graphic Design and Yearbook, students are prepared to become leaders of the Tally-ho! yearbook staff. They will help direct the staff members' tasks for each spread relating to the photography, writing, and graphic design. Students may apply to gain specialized roles including Tally-ho! Editor in Chief, Managing Editor, Copy Editor, Photo Editor, and Graphic Design Editor. (This course requires two concurrent semesters and may be taken several times for credit).