Research Project: Choose a historical or contemporary female photographer with a substantial and distinguished body of work. You will need to reference at least three different sources (books and/or websites). See me for final approval if she is not listed under RESEARCH LINKS. You may not research the same photographer as any one else in the class. There will be three parts to your research assignment. All of this information will go on the "Research" page on your website. Be sure all of the images you select are school appropriate and include a list of your sources. When you are ready to begin, setup a new slide show and review the break down of required slides.
Slide 1: Introduction - Include photographer's name and researcher's name
Slide 2: Artist Background - Start with a brief history of your artist. Tell where they grew up, attended school, etc. Try to find as much information as possible about who/what their influences were, and how their work progressed.
Slides 3-7: Portfolio Critique - You will need to choose 5 different examples from the artist’s portfolio to critique. Start with a detailed description of exactly what you see in the photograph - 1 sentence. Then analyze at least one design element (line, shape, form, space, color, texture) and one connecting principle of design (balance, emphasis, movement, pattern, repetition, proportion, rhythm, variety, unity) 2-4 sentences. Finally, interpret the meaning or purpose that you see behind the work - 1 sentence. (4-6 sentences!)
Slide 8: Synopsis - Explain the overall similarities you observe in your artist’s shooting style including subject matter and compositional techniques.
Slide 9-13: Personal Portfolio - Your goal is to emulate the same style as your photographer, matching both her subject matter and compositional technique. The purpose is not to copy her work. You should use her portfolio as direct inspiration for your own vision. Be experimental and creative as you approach each photo shoot to diversify your portfolio. Select 5 final photos to present.
Slide 14: Artist Statement - Write about what you photographed, how, and why.