KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Announcements - emails and Morning Meeting Marketing Plan - work with Marketing Department to find local businesses and newspapers to promote Graphic Design - posters, invitations, signs, and banners Social Media - event teasers and student work samples Reflections - collect feedback
Visiting Artist Liasons
2019 Helen Cudahy Niblack '42 Arts Lecture Series: Mo Regulinski
2018 Helen Cudahy Niblack '42 Arts Lecture Series: Mojdeh Rezaeipour
KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Invitations - work with Stewardship Department to invite local artists and/or alumn Tour - guide visiting artists through the school and workshop space Announcements - introduction during Morning Meeting visiting artist talk Setup - prepare workshop materials and artwork displays Documentation - photograph during artist talk and/or workshops
Workshop Leaders
2019 Workshops:
ANIME CLUB: Character Creations
CHIMERA: Greeting Cards
STEAM CLUB: Art Advocacy Takeaways
CERAMICS CLASS: Wheel Throwing
KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Collaborate - combine with other teams, clubs or organizations to host an event Planning - brainstorm ideas for creative workshops Ordering - create a budget and request specific workshop supplies Setup - prepare workshop materials and space Documentation - photograph and/or video workshops
KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Science Photography Contest - promotional materials, announcements, ballot boxes, tally votes One Woman Shows - meet with artists, help prepare work and labels, hang exhibit Planning - determine ways to organize exhibits and space to setup Student Work- gather work, mat work, create labels, setup tables and displays, hang exhibits Faculty Exhibit - gather work, mat work, create labels, setup tables and displays, hang exhibit Documentation - photograph and/or video exhibition spaces