2019 Foxcroft Gratitude Photo Challenge
Every photography student will complete in this challenge and we will vote on the top image from each theme to be posted on Instagram @fxcphotography for 30 consecutive days. Start by creating a new project folder called "YYYY LASTNAME Gratitude."
RULES: (Project Grade)
You must shoot at least 5 images per day (minimum 150 photos at the end of 30 days). All images must be taken within the 30 days from October 1st-October 30th. You can use a digital camera or cell phone. You will be shooting both in class and outside of class so come prepared with new subject matter and creative concepts to carry out each day! At the beginning of each class you will be expected to upload the appropriate number of photos since the class last met. Use dated folders [YYYY-MM-DD] for each photo shoot and log them on your drive with the theme in the description. You can approach the themes in any order of your choosing, but all images within that day should be mostly dedicated to a single theme. You will make a copy of your best images from each photo shoot and rename your final 30 images as follows: YYYY Gratitude Theme LASTNAME (Ex: 2019 Gratitude Words FISHER). The student photographer who gets the most featured posts over the 30 day challenge wins!!!
PLANNING: (Classwork Grade)
Create a new Google Doc inside your Gratitude folder that's titled "YYYY LASTNAME Gratitude Planning." At the top of your document write the definition of gratitude in your own words using one or two complete sentences. Copy and paste the 30 themes and include an outline of ideas for each one. Use the key words you outlined to search for visual inspiration. Include images with sources. Highlight the first three themes that you want to tackle this week. Use a different color for each week to help with your planning. To get your bank of images started, upload 5 or more that you took over break. Consider which theme these address and add them to your photo log. If you did not shoot, then you will need to tackle an additional theme for homework before we meet again.
UPLOAD SCHEDULE: (Homework Grade)
Friday 10/4 - upload and log 3 dates / themes 1-3 / 15 images minimum - update planning doc
Monday 10/7 - upload and log 3 dates / themes 4-6 / 15 images minimum - update planning doc
Wednesday 10/9 - upload and log 3 dates / themes 7-8 / 10 images minimum - 30 Day Photo Challenge Progress Critique (10/1-10/8)
Every photography student will complete in this challenge and we will vote on the top image from each theme to be posted on Instagram @fxcphotography for 30 consecutive days. Start by creating a new project folder called "YYYY LASTNAME Gratitude."
RULES: (Project Grade)
You must shoot at least 5 images per day (minimum 150 photos at the end of 30 days). All images must be taken within the 30 days from October 1st-October 30th. You can use a digital camera or cell phone. You will be shooting both in class and outside of class so come prepared with new subject matter and creative concepts to carry out each day! At the beginning of each class you will be expected to upload the appropriate number of photos since the class last met. Use dated folders [YYYY-MM-DD] for each photo shoot and log them on your drive with the theme in the description. You can approach the themes in any order of your choosing, but all images within that day should be mostly dedicated to a single theme. You will make a copy of your best images from each photo shoot and rename your final 30 images as follows: YYYY Gratitude Theme LASTNAME (Ex: 2019 Gratitude Words FISHER). The student photographer who gets the most featured posts over the 30 day challenge wins!!!
PLANNING: (Classwork Grade)
Create a new Google Doc inside your Gratitude folder that's titled "YYYY LASTNAME Gratitude Planning." At the top of your document write the definition of gratitude in your own words using one or two complete sentences. Copy and paste the 30 themes and include an outline of ideas for each one. Use the key words you outlined to search for visual inspiration. Include images with sources. Highlight the first three themes that you want to tackle this week. Use a different color for each week to help with your planning. To get your bank of images started, upload 5 or more that you took over break. Consider which theme these address and add them to your photo log. If you did not shoot, then you will need to tackle an additional theme for homework before we meet again.
UPLOAD SCHEDULE: (Homework Grade)
Friday 10/4 - upload and log 3 dates / themes 1-3 / 15 images minimum - update planning doc
Monday 10/7 - upload and log 3 dates / themes 4-6 / 15 images minimum - update planning doc
Wednesday 10/9 - upload and log 3 dates / themes 7-8 / 10 images minimum - 30 Day Photo Challenge Progress Critique (10/1-10/8)
- Download and edit 8 images (each a separate theme)
- Apply Crop & Image Adjustments: Levels, Hue/Saturation, Color Balance
- Save as "YYYY Gratitude Theme LASTNAME" and drag into main "Gratitude" folder
- On your planning document, insert an example of your strongest photo challenge entry so far and your weakest
- Beneath each image, explain why - use the elements and principles of design vocabulary to site very specific reasons
- Meet individually to review planning doc, photo log, and google drive
- Edit and rename 2 additional files before submitting all 10 entries using the Google Form link above
Monday 10/14 - upload and log 3 dates / themes 11-13 / 10 images minimum - update planning doc - edit, rename, and save files
Friday 10/18 - upload and log 4 dates / themes 14-17 / 20 images minimum - 30 Day Photo Challenge Progress Critique (10/9-10/17)
Monday 10/21 - upload and log 3 dates / themes 18-20 / 15 images minimum - 30 Day Photo Challenge Entry Submission Form (11-20)
Friday 10/18 - upload and log 4 dates / themes 14-17 / 20 images minimum - 30 Day Photo Challenge Progress Critique (10/9-10/17)
Monday 10/21 - upload and log 3 dates / themes 18-20 / 15 images minimum - 30 Day Photo Challenge Entry Submission Form (11-20)
Wednesday 10/23 - upload and log 2 dates / themes 21-22 / 10 images minimum - update planning doc - edit, rename, and save files
Friday 10/25 - upload and log 2 dates / themes 23-24 / 10 images minimum - update planning doc - edit, rename, and save files
Monday 10/28 - upload and log 3 dates / themes 25-27 / 15 images minimum - 30 Day Photo Challenge Progress Critique (10/18-10/27)
Wednesday 10/30 - upload and log 3 dates / themes 28-30 / 15 images minimum - 30 Day Photo Challenge Entry Submission Form (21-30)
Friday 10/25 - upload and log 2 dates / themes 23-24 / 10 images minimum - update planning doc - edit, rename, and save files
Monday 10/28 - upload and log 3 dates / themes 25-27 / 15 images minimum - 30 Day Photo Challenge Progress Critique (10/18-10/27)
Wednesday 10/30 - upload and log 3 dates / themes 28-30 / 15 images minimum - 30 Day Photo Challenge Entry Submission Form (21-30)
2019 Foxcroft Alphabetography Photo Challenge
Every photography student will complete this challenge. Use the Google Drive App to add the images under My Photos in your Photography folder. Rename each file with YYYYCapitalLetter___LASTNAME (Ex: 2019A_FISHER). The best entries for each letter will be featured on Instagram @fxcphotography. The student photographer who gets the most featured posts over the 30 day challenge wins!
We will start voting the last half of the alphabet and post the winning compositions for each letter in descending order on Instagram for 26 consecutive days.
Voting Schedule
Tuesday 1-15-18 / Wednesady 1-16-18: T U V W X Y Z
Thursday 1-17-18 / Friday 1-18-18: M N O P Q R S
Monday 1-21-18 / Tuesday 1-22-18: G H I J K L
Wednesday 1-23-18 / Thursday 1-24-18: A B C D E F
Every photography student will complete this challenge. Use the Google Drive App to add the images under My Photos in your Photography folder. Rename each file with YYYYCapitalLetter___LASTNAME (Ex: 2019A_FISHER). The best entries for each letter will be featured on Instagram @fxcphotography. The student photographer who gets the most featured posts over the 30 day challenge wins!
We will start voting the last half of the alphabet and post the winning compositions for each letter in descending order on Instagram for 26 consecutive days.
Voting Schedule
Tuesday 1-15-18 / Wednesady 1-16-18: T U V W X Y Z
Thursday 1-17-18 / Friday 1-18-18: M N O P Q R S
Monday 1-21-18 / Tuesday 1-22-18: G H I J K L
Wednesday 1-23-18 / Thursday 1-24-18: A B C D E F